Friday 26 August 2016


Hey FitFam Foodies!

Please don't raise your eyebrows because I just titled this post as Brown Rice SWALLOW!

It's not a mistake. I actually mean it, cause there is such a meal so called.

I very well know Brown Rice is high in fiber, low in fat and easy to digest. BUT what I didn't know 'til some weeks ago is this :

While chatting with a fellow fitfam foodie and friend, she mentioned that she uses her son's ground brown rice to make a meal for herself.

I said to myself, Wow! 'Buki, so there's actually BROWN RICE in FLOUR form, whoo-hoo!

Boy! was I glad?! Yes I was, just because since I fell in love with Bulgur, I had totally abandoned my pack of brown rice, it was just laying there in the pantry like a forgotten toy!

The moment my friend mentioned ground brown was a EUREKA moment for me.

So if you have brown rice you haven't cooked since forever just because... this is what you can do.

Grind that brown rice into powder (flour) form, and then prepare it the same way you make your oat swallow.

I served mine with beef stew and ewedu a.k.a jute leaves.

Don't know how? This is how:

Heat a pot of water, bring it to a boil.
Quickly stir in the ground brown rice until it becomes a smooth paste.


To be on the safer side, you can:

Pour some ground brown rice in your pot.
Add some water just about the same level as the ground brown rice.
On low heat begin to stir.
You may notice the mixture will be caked, keep stirring (if need be, add some more water, little though).
The mix will start to form, stir until it becomes a smooth paste.

Easy breezy! This sure cooks way way waaaaay faster than boiling your brown rice. *winks*

Follow me on instagram @bukikolade

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Recipe - Plantain Pie

Plantain Pie

You will need:

2 fingers of Plantain
1 egg (uncooked)

Seasoning (of your choice)

I used -

Soy sauce


I used -

Green, Red and Yellow Bell Peppers
Scotch Bonnet Peppers
1 large Chicken and Turkey Sausage


Boil your plantains till soft.
Place the boiled plantains in your blender or food processor.
Break an egg in and blend till you have a puree.
Let's call that puree, the "PLANTAIN DOUGH".

Shred or slice your veggies and sausage.
In your nonstick pan or wok, sautee or steam and season your veggies and sausage to your desired texture (I always love mine soft but still crunchy).

Grease an oven or microwave safe dish.
Spread about half or a quarter of your plantain dough as the bottom layer of the pie.
(You have to be calculative here, lol)
Spread as much filling as you would love.
Spread the remaining plantain dough over the filling as the top layer of the pie.

Place your ready-to-bake pie in the oven / microwave. ( I used my microwave)
Let bake for about 13 - 15 mins or till the pie shrinks off all around  the edges of the dish.
Once your pie is ready, let it cool before you cut.

To be on the safe side you can check at intervals to avoid the pie getting burnt.

Follow me on instagram @bukikolade 

Tuesday 9 August 2016


Hello FitFamFoodies.

All I dreamt of overnight were OATS!!!

Funnily I am yet to try out overnight oats...hmm, now that's weird for a Foodie like me.

Well it's not all bad, after all there are other meals I have tried out with Oats.

Trust me, there is so much magic you can perform with this fiber packed meal.

I  am not sure if the list is endless but here are few ways I have tried out my OATMEAL.

As the regular and most common way.

Oat porridge (with fruits).

Oat pancakes (with a yum multi-fruit smoothie).

Recipe here

My homemade granola.

Recipe here

Oat bars (before cutting into desired shapes).

Recipe here

Oat swallow (paired with some stew and ewedu aka jute leaves).

Recipe similar to Brown Rice Swallow, it's here

Oat also comes in handy for me as a replacement for flour whenever I want to try out a bake recipe.

I'm certain there are other OAT meal ideas out there. These are the few I have tried.

Follow me on instagram @bukikolade 

Monday 8 August 2016


Hello FitFamFoodies!

Welcome to a new week!

I don't understand my new found love for BEANS these days.

Maybe it's because of how I pair the yummy delight with -

  • Plantain (my main love) or 
  • Yam or
  • Sweet-potatoes or even Garri (aka Cassava flakes) *wink*
Anyway my love for beans made me curious, so I decided to find out if it did my CLEAN EATING any good.

O my! I was delighted much at what I found out...'cause all I knew before I decided to find out  is Beans is rich in Proteins and because I am trying to build lean muscle these days I know I have to up my Protein game...anyway that's a different story back to Beans. :)

I learnt that Beans are:

  • Naturally low in fat.
  • High in fiber. (I didn't even know that)
  • A great source of protein.

And what's more? Consuming beans may contribute to feelings of fullness and satiety as a result of the fiber and protein content. This last point just made me do a JOYOUS DANCE. *whoop whoop*

That is a double dose of goodness for me. 

So how do you eat your beans? I love to play with my food as usual and  have displayed a few images of how I love to eat my beans.


Follow me on instagram @bukikolade

Monday 1 August 2016


Hi FitFamFoodies.
Welcome to a new month.
So to the talk for today. What is Healthy Eating?
Healthy eating means eating a variety of foods that give you the nutrients you need to maintain your health, feel good, and have energy. These nutrients include protein, carbohydrates, fat, water, vitamins, and minerals.
Healthy eating means consuming the right quantities of foods from all food groups in order to lead a healthy life.
Nutrition is important for everyone. When combined with being physically active and maintaining a healthy weight, eating well is an excellent way to help your body stay strong and healthy.
Diet is often referred to as some dietary regimen for losing weight. However, diet simply means what food we eat in the course of a 24-hour, one week, or one month, etc. period.
A good diet is a nutritional lifestyle that promotes good health. A good diet must include several food groups because one single group cannot provide everything a human needs for good health.
The crucial part of healthy eating is a balanced diet. A balanced diet - or a good diet - means consuming from all the different food groups in the right quantities.

Hence, my opinion AGAINST “fad diets” or going on a funny “no-carb diet” or an “only protein-diet”.

I eat from all food groups...I don't overeat.

Follow me on instagram @bukikolade