Thursday 1 September 2016

Meal Prepping

Hello Fitfam Foodies

Welcome to a brand new month.

Now many of us keep saying "I will prepare and pack my meals ahead this week". "I will change my eating habits as from Monday". "I will start eating healthy tomorrow". I will, I will, I will...

Only for us to do the exact opposite of what we WILL to do!

No, I'm NOT here to judge you, I'm here to tell you..."You Can Do It".

This is me, portioning my Bulgur and VeggieSauce
If you really want to maintain a healthy eating habit (lifestyle), then condition your mind to the fact that MEAL PREPPING is the BAGGAGE that comes with it.

Fine, there would be days you feel lazy to pack your meals, talk less of even cook...but know and tell yourself that "the MEAL PREP days" must faaaaar outweigh the "I don't care WHAT I EAT"days.

This is me packing my meal for work, the night before.
It's not easy, I know...but in the past twelve months I have realized that it is possible. If I have been doing so, then you too can.

Really it's not that difficult. Make it a habit and you would be amazed how it becomes a lifestyle.

Follow me on instagram @bukikolade

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