Friday 14 October 2016


Hello FitFam FOODIES!

I’m here again, feels great to be blogging a new post after a few busy weeks.

Ok, not to bore you with my tell tales…off to business! LOL!

Do you know making healthier food choices are easier than you think?  Changing a few habits in your diet can make a huge difference.

Eating healthy (and exercising regularly) can help you lose inches and as well prevent some chronic ailments and even heart disease.

There are few simple daily changes you can make to get you on your way to a healthier eating lifestyle without losing ALL the things you LOVE. *WINKS*

What I’m implying is that you don’t have to STOP it, simply SWAP it. Swap a big meal for a small meal. It’s pretty easy, basic changes such as this can make a lot of difference.

And the best part is you can make these changes as you go about your daily life. At work, home, even while shopping.

EATING HEALTHY is basically about consuming fewer foods high in calories, salt, fat and sugars…and then swapping them for healthier alternatives which include more whole grains, vegetables and fruits.

See some great SWAP tips below.


  • ·         Swap from whole milk to semi-skim, 1% fat or skim milk.
  • ·         Swap a sugar coated cereal for a wholegrain cereal with no added sugar.
  • ·         Swap a sprinkle of sugar on your cereal for a topping of fresh/dried fruit or a drizzle of honey.
  • ·         Swap full fat yogurt for fat free yogurt or natural low fat yogurt.

  • ·         Swap white breads for wholegrain breads.
  • ·         Swap butter and cheese with avocado.
  • ·         Swap a full cream salad for a homemade cream salad.

  • ·         Swap the frying pan for the grill or oven when cooking meat, fish et al.
  • ·         Choose lean meat over fatty meat.

  • ·         Swap your usual coffee made with whole milk to a “skinny” coffee made with skim milk.
  • ·         Swap a few of your sugary, fizzy, carbonated drinks for water.

·         Swap salted nuts for unsalted nuts.
·         Swap sugary oat bars with homemade oat bars.
·         Swap white chocolates for dark chocolates.

So the next time you think about eating healthy, remember you aren’t starving, or stopping yourself from eating real food…it’s about you choosing healthy options over junk.

Follow me on instagram @bukikolade