Wednesday, 1 June 2016

O ye Rice lovers, Ever heard of BULGUR?

Bulgur! Bulgur!! Bulgur!!!

If you are like me and particular about eating clean, then you know Bulgur is a great substitute for Rice.

A lot of us grew up eating rice almost every other day or at least very regularly.

Well, I would say whether you are trying to loose weight, maintain a healthy weight or eat healthy, then Bulgur is perfect for you.

Apart from its nutritional benefits, it's less inexpensive and a great quick fix meal seeing that it cooks fast.

Bulgur is high in fiber, low in calories yet very filling. Trust me, Bulgur keeps you feeling fuller for longer.

It comes in various forms - Fine, Medium and Coarse grains.

I particularly use the fine grains though.

Bulgur sitting pretty with some fresh veggies.

Bulgur made as a porridge / cereal with redgrapes as a side.

Bulgur being prepped up for a healthy snack.
I call it Bulgur nut & fruit bar.

Oh! How I love Bulgur. If you are creative with your meals, bulgur can be played around with in various ways.

Make it like fried rice, or jollof rice even.

This last image is about my best Bulgur serving yet!

If you haven't tried Bulgur before, you should!

Follow me on instagram @bukikolade  

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